Reading A-Z Books
In addition to leveled books in the A-Z boxes at the schools, there are high-frequency books and decodable readers for children who are just beginning to read.


Books, of course, can be ordered through the Mid-Hudson Library. We also have many books in our office in addition to those in the ‘blue bags’ at schools. Please ask if you would like ideas about authors, series, or characters.  The website Brightly has book suggestions, sorted by age group and by topic.


Beyond Books

The Book Buddies coordinator can provide any of the following:

  • Readworks
  • Sight Word lists – some students enjoy seeing how many words they know
  • Word family lists and worksheets on phonics, blends, long vowels, etc.
  • Word Searches, Crosswords & Puzzle books – both beginner and advanced
  • Mad Libs Jr. – These give you the opportunity to talk about parts of speech and read a silly story together.
  • Jokes – reading jokes together gives you a chance to talk about why they’re funny
  • White Boards, Index Cards, Notebooks – White boards can be a fun way to write down new words. Index cards can help keep track of words that were practiced the week before. Notebooks can be fun to track progress or books read during the year.
  • Games – If you have any questions about the games in the school boxes or would like new ones to be added, please let the coordinator know.