Picture of sneakers on grass caption give your old soles new life


👟 Our sneakers have a max lifetime.
👟 Instead of throwing them away, give them to us to recycle!
👟 Help keep sneakers out of landfills & Literacy Connection gets a donation for each pair!



At GotSneakers, we’re making it socially and financially rewarding to contribute to a circular economy with our FREE sneaker recycling programs for individual sellers and organizations of all types and sizes. When you join our sneaker recycling community, you will be making a global impact AND you will earn money for Literacy Connections for every pair of sneakers you contribute.

4 pairs of sneakers in a row caption recycle, reuse, raise money

If you would like to donate your old sneakers for us to recycle please contact us to find out how. Each recycled pair gets a donation for Literacy connections and gives you the peace of mind that your old sneakers will be put to good use.