Literacy Connections is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization founded in 1975.
We serve adult students with the lowest literacy levels and immigrants lacking English language skills in Dutchess, Columbia, Greene, and Orange Counties. Recognizing that illiteracy or low literacy is a family issue, our Adult and Family Literacy program also offers reading enrichment to children through our Book Buddies program, which brings volunteers to read with children in schools so that they will have a positive experience with books.
Our core program is to help adults read, write, and function independently by recruiting and training volunteers to provide one-on-one and small-group tutoring that is student-centered. Student-centered means not following a pre-determined curriculum and giving a voice to the student with regard to their learning goals. Teaching adults is different from teaching children. Materials must be sensitive and respectful to adult learners, and because adults face so many challenges in their daily lives, the learning must be relevant and meaningful.